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Frozen Waterfall

Fiskaregatan Pirate song

a lyric orchestral tragedy-love performance

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A lyric tragedy, a frenetic danse played with an orchestra who takes it strings crossing into the space. An out-door performance about Lord Lars and Ingela Gathenhielm, pirates from other times. He went and never come back, and she, from another time continues waiting for him, playing always the same song in the piano and taking care by her own of their business.

“The icy wind. Why are you running away? Now that it has given you clarity".


Dramaturgy and direction by Isabel Lagos and Kalle Leander. Lyric sing by Mats Persson from Gothenbourg, original music composition by String Theory from Los Angeles and movement composition by Erika Webe. In collaboration with Studio Gathenhielm.


Frozen Waterfall is also going to be produce as a film in 2024 at Gathemhielska Huset.

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All the company rehearsing and adapting the performance to a new space: 'Hotel Martenson' at Halmstad on juin 2022.

First Residency at Gathemhielska Huset in august 2021 for starting the rehearsal developpment of the characters. On the singing Kalle Leander, on the direction Isabel Lagos.

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